Subject: Mac OS X network configuration files

Mac OS X network configuration files

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 19:32:14 +0100


Due to Jan Van Boghout's recent comment on Mac OS X recent report in
which he stated that the link from /etc/resolv.conf to
/var/run/resolv.conf was missing and that we should change
PATH_RESOLV_CONF value to the latter.

I've been googling a bit around just to discover that network
configuration in recent versions of MAC OS X seems to be drifting from
classical unix-like approaches based on classical unix-like
configuration files to new Mac OS X specific configuration *.plist
files managed by commands such as 'networksetup' for which of course
c-ares knows nothing about.

I have been unable to locate a valid source of information for the new
files, its format and relationship with the old ones, But it seems
that no matter what you have in /etc/resolv or /var/run/resolv.conf if
you happen to have used 'networksetup' to define other nameservers
these ones will be the ones actually used by some parts of the system.

If someone has a good interest in making c-ares work nicely on Mac OS
X we will need docs or pointers to them on how things now work on Mac
OS X. Patches are also welcomed of course.

Just a heads up,

Received on 2010-02-18