Subject: RE: DNS servers on windows

RE: DNS servers on windows

From: Bert Belder <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 15:15:28 +0200

> My first suggestion would be to apply this patch in order to remember

> the last good server and start from this one afterwards.


Great idea!


> My problem is that windows (at least 7), in all it's glory, invents DNS

> addesses for my first interface with 3 addresses taken from an outdated

> draft RFC [1]. And for some reasons, it shows them multiple times when

> GetAdaptersAddresses is called.


> Then I'd suggest to sort the servers in the ares_channel and put the

> fec0:: ones at the end.


As a Node.js maintainer I also ran into this problem. Our solution was to
ignore these fec0:: servers entirely
1b89fc769e), and we've never had any complaints about it. I think pycares
did the same. Placing these fake DNS servers at the end might be a good
solution as well, I don't really have a strong opinion on that. However I
would prefer to try the "real" servers in the order that windows reports


Lastly I think it'd be good to filter the list of DNS servers and remove
duplicate entries. If there's consensus that this is a good idea I can put
together a patch that does this.


- Bert
Received on 2013-04-23