Subject: Re: reached select() limit

Re: reached select() limit

From: Brad House via c-ares <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:14:31 -0500

I'm pretty sure c-ares just uses a single socket per nameserver, so to
have more than 16 socks, you'd have to have more than 8 DNS servers (I'm
assuming here that each server tries both UDP, then due to response
overflow has to retry via TCP).

I use c-ares with an event based system where we use epoll()/kqueue()
instead of select, we load test regularly with high connection counts,
can't say we've seen an issue.


On 1/24/17 6:18 PM, David Guillen Fandos wrote:
> Hello,
> I wrote an app that was crashing in c-ares due to fds being bigger than 1024. While c-ares might be using around 30 fds
> it is unable to use fds above 1024.
> I looked into using getsock but it is capped at 16 sockets (although could be worked around by building c-ares myself
> and tweaking the constant).
> Is there any other way or suggestion? I thought of initializing c-ares at the startup phase so I always get smallish fds
> but it is a bit dodgy :D My program uses many many sockets
> Thanks!
> David
Received on 2017-01-25