Subject: Re: Nameserver address which responded to query

Re: Nameserver address which responded to query

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 16:03:57 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 6 Jan 2021, Brad House wrote:

> Unfortunately I don't have that answer, I'd have to dig into the code to see
> under what circumstances connections are torn down with
> ARES_FLAG_STAY_OPEN.  Considering UDP connections aren't actually
> connection-based, I'd suspect the fds aren't closed unless there is a hard
> failure like no route in the host to the endpoint.  That would mean it would
> not have your intended side effect.

In addition: even if it might work now, for some resolves, it seems very
fragile and error-prone as isn't a guaranteed functionality and could just as
well break in the next release etc.

Received on 2021-01-06